Thursday, February 21, 2013

Amy Returns!

Amy takes a break from the 2013 MDC calender shooting to answer a few questions of being South Florida's favorite fiery heroine


  1. Q: How does it feel to know that the safety of millions in the South Florida region is in your hands?

    A: It's an awesome responsibility which all of Task Force Miami is honored to bear. We take it very seriously - all of us; including our allies in the Heroine League.

  2. Q: Can you tell us about your most recent adventures?

    A: Well you know I can't tell you everything! We heroines have to protect our secrets! But, I can say that it was very challenging. My powers and skills were tested that's for sure.

    Q: We understand that a fight was involved?

    A: Yes. Most of our missions do not involve physical confrontation and violence. Most often we're saving Floridians from natural or man-made disasters. But we do have our enemies and they can be powerful opponents. It was an amazing battle and honestly, there were moments when I wan't sure I would be the victor!

  3. Q (with surprise!): You? The "Fiery Floridian?" The "Siren of South Beach?" You were uncertain that you would prevail??? Amy, I'm sure this comes as a surprise to our viewers!

    A: Believe me, it came as a surprise to me as well. And not a pleasant one. I was tested as never before and was on the brink of disaster. But years of training paid off and I did prevail!
