Saturday, January 24, 2009

Conspiracy Theories

I know we all have our Constitutional Right to speak and spew our idiocy, but why do these morons that are always wrong continue to regurgitate their asininity?

NASA launched the Galileo probe to explore Jupiter, it had plutonium as its power source; these buffoons stated that when the craft dove down into the planet's atmosphere and the plutonium would detonate. Jupiter would become our second sun and the New World Order would be ushered in!

Black Helicopters were everywhere in the 1990s, now they're nowhere. But the saddest thing is that the theorist were right! I have a photo of a black helicopter on the top of the page, they existed! Proof Positive!

The last few weeks saw a fury in all types of failed theories. Bush and Cheney would stage a false flag event so they could reinstate the draft, announce a dictatorship, and invade Iran.

This next one makes me cringe since I'm a Christian, this one man died and had a vision of Jesus. Yes, I believe that Jesus is the Savior of mankind, but I think that this guy is a nut case. This theory also popped up just a few days before the Inauguration; Jesus told the man that Bush would be the last American President, Obama would never be sworn in World War III will start (We're already fighting World War III-War on Terror is everywhere), and America would be basically annihilated, then Jesus would return to Earth and rapture His believers. Well, America and the Christians are still here.

That's about it, wait, I just stumbled upon something new. It seems jet contrails are making people sick. It seems they're spraying toxic chemicals or EVIL biological agents which in turn will make you very very sick.

I personally think these people are very very sick.


  1. What about the theory that the world is actually ruled by ninjas whos entire purpose is to take over Jenny Craig and inundate society with subliminal messages to pickle their cats?

  2. @.o Um, no, never heard of that one, sounds very plausible. Gulp.
