Monday, January 23, 2012

Task Force Miami

Task Force Miami is in total disarray and it's not even the fault of the bad guys.

I'm getting conflicting reports out of Miami that the Marlins have or have not disbanded the Manatees/Mermaids. No one is sure of the matter despite them sending out invitations to the auditions. Shockingly it seems like the Marlins think adding guys to the roster will make people want to pack in the Stadium.

Word to the Marlins, the Dolphins did this little experiment back in 1994. I never ever heard so many negative comments directed at the cheerleaders before or since. Let's face it, guys don't want to see guys jumping around. Nope, they most rather see girls jumping around in revealing attire.

The Miami Heat has yet to release a single full photo of the entire dancing squad. Unbelievable were 16 games into the season and nothing.

The Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders have disbanded for the off season. Your humble correspondent is still scouring the internet for more Amy pics. Once in a while he will stumble upon a few, but they don't match the quality standard. Phooey.

Anyhoo, here's some pics of Ashely Z, Stephanie and Taryn patrolling court side at the AAA.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I dunno Lt. No Amy, no Task Force Miami!
