Friday, November 4, 2011

Ryan's Superheroine Sidekick Extraordinaire's Tip 308

Eclairs. Yes, I said eclairs. It's best to stock up on them or know of a tasty bakery that can give you a dozen of these scrumptious pastries on a moment's notice. These sinful treats can melt the most harden perturbed heroines ice cold steel heart.

Hypothetically let's say you promised Hellcat dinner and a movie, but teeny weeny stuff seems to interfere with the date. I mean trivial stuff like leading a US Naval Airstrike against Libya, assisting Lieutenant Colonel Lennox on a classified NEST operation in Chicago, and quelching an Occupy Gotham riot. Defending Western Civilization can be a bear.

Present those rich and creamy pastries to her and you're out of the doghouse. Make sure you take her immediately on that dinner/movie date. She'll curl up in a ball and nuzzle next to you all night. The worse thing that could happen is you waking up with the words, "Hellcat wuz here," written in permanent black marker all over your chest.

Trust me

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