Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hi. My name is Brian. I'm a, ah, uh, um, well, doughnutholic. I'm addicted to those tasty little morsels of Krispy Kreme! Alas, and much to my chagrin the nearest Krispy Kreme is 27 miles north in Melbourne. So, at times I have to fuel my addiction at the local Publix, but the store bought Krispy Kreme's aren't nearly as fresh.

My Wonder Woman and I do have a Dunkin Donuts store not too far from us, everynow and then we'll stop by and pick up a half dozen. She's a chocoholic as well as doughnutholic and I make sure every donut has something chocolate so she can OD! I usually get two chocolate sticks, two double chocolates (If they have them, they're very popular), one chocolate frosted for her, and one chocolate M&M for me.

Sadly, they're not as tasty as Krispy Kreme! But like I said...I'm a doughnutholic darn it! I need my hit of tasty delicious doughnuts! Gotta go, time to put a poor doughnut out of its misery.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa. Talk about sugar shock! We have both a Krispy Kreme and a Dunkin' Donuts in our town. However, I'm more of a bagel girl myself. When your boss tells you to lay off the caffeine, you can only imagine what I'm like with that much sugar in my system! ^.-

    Well, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you that a Krispy Kreme comes your way!
