Saturday, December 20, 2008


L-Ron is a DC comics character first introduced in Justice League International issue #14 (June 1988). He is Magna Khan's (A villainous intergalactic trader) right hand bot; L-Ron is eventually traded to the Justice League, thus becoming a hero.

I shamelessly borrowed L-Ron for the Yahoo! Group Galaxy Wars. I teamed him up with a two-bit smuggler, Cap'n Whitebread. The duo were used for comic relief, not that Red Wolf and Tara couldn't fill the bill with a few marriage related humorous bits. I'm pondering bringing him over to Myspace.

Here's a small post from Galaxy Wars:

I was going over the me latest paper work when I spotted the lovely,
gracious and talented, ok, maybe I'm stretching things a bit,
Commander Tara Wolf.

She was sulking as Lange and Lady Goldenhawk whopped it up; a sour
Commander Wolf would not be good for business, Lord knows what
she'll destroy.

I immediately shot from my chair and made it down to the kitchen,
where I was promptly greeted by me annoying ray of sunshine.

"Greetings, Your Excellency!" he exclaimed.

I was about to reply when I smelled something rather ripe, and I do
mean ripe! I took a big whiff and grimaced, "Is it me or is
something rotten in Denmark?"

"You'll be happy to know your Nosyness, that your olfactories are
working perfectly!"

"Who cut the cheese?" I asked reaching for me nose.

"Chef Jeff."

I started to wave me hands as I replied, "What did the poor lad eat?"

"Oh, a few burritos; followed by some refried beans."

Right then and there I covered me mouth; I didn't want hear any more information from L-Ron. At times he's a little too forth coming with information, I tell ya. I could smell the stinch in me breath, horrible, it got stronger as I neared the counter. I picked up a knife, it reeked.

"That's the knife that Chef Jeff cut the limburger cheese, M'lord," L-Ron stated.

"What?" I replied.

"Chef Jeff, that's the knife he cut the cheese with."

"Oh, so he did cut the cheese," I replied not knowing what to think.

"That's what you said Your Confusedness, what else did you think he
did?" L-Ron asked uncomprehendingly.

"Never mind, lad. Never mind," I sighed holding me nose.

1 comment:

  1. BLUE: This is the reason why when L-Ron's around, I either disconnect his power supply or put a pair of noise-canceling headphones over his sound receptors. You just never know what he might pick up from a ninja. >.>
